Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 10 - Journal Entry 1 - Type Videos and Hierarchy Projects

Of the kinetic typography videos that I watched, the ones that I thought were most effective are titled
"Make It Better"  and "JBFM." They are both posted below.

"Make It Better" was very effective, because although its audio track didn't contain any speech, the designer manipulated and utilized the type in a way that reiterated the main idea of the video. It showed the process of starting with ordinary text and continually working to make it better. There aren't too many graphics and the main focus of the video still relies on the typography. The color choice is modern and the entire video is clean and uncluttered. Everything is legible.

"JBFM" worked well in utilizing the type to create form. Without having any verbal speech, it still was able to clearly convey the main focus of the video. The colors work together well and are interesting. The motion of the typography moving throughout the instruments make the video much more dynamic than if they were still images of instruments created from type.

There were other videos that I found interesting and worked well. They're also posted below.

These are all great. They all use type of different weights, and through placement and motion, help to convey emotions that connect with the main subject of the videos. They also do not use many graphics, and instead, they use typography to help create the illusion of graphics. With possibly the exception of the New York Times video, I just didn't find them be as unique as the top 2.

Below are two pictures of my revised hierarchy project. The first one is the one that I had created for class today. I decided to revise it after class because I wasn't sure whether or not I liked the large black triangles, and if they worked well with the design. I think after editing it, I'm more attracted to the second design now, although I'm still not sure.


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