Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 4 - Journal Entry 3

Because I did not include examples of good and bad typography, I am doing so now in this single post to make up for the last two entries. Below are two examples of good type and two examples of bad type.

The type above is good, because it is unique. Although the two terms aren't synonymous, in this case, the uniqueness comes from the spray-painted look of the letters, especially in "DMC". It adds a rebellious and punk feeling to the design, which complements the style of the game and the protagonist's personality. The type balances the rest of the design well through color, size, and placement. It remains legible while retaining a rougher/edgier appeal.

The type above is from a cologne bottle. It is slick, clean, and legible. The script type for the words "light blue" creates a sense of elegance, which contrasts well against the sans-serif. The contrast is not so dramatic to the point of hindering the design, because there are only two lines of type. It creates a sense of separation between the brand name and kind of cologne, despite both typefaces being similar point-sizes.

There are too many different typefaces in the ad above. The colors do not match well. The biggest problem occurs where it says "10 for $10". It almost looks as though it says "10 dollars for 10," assuming that a person does not know that the dollar sign should appear before the numerical value. In that case, it would not make sense. Fixing the spacing or kerning between the characters could help to solve the possible confusion.

While the typefaces are consistent, they aren't entirely legible. The biggest problem occurs from the choice of color. Although not as evident in this close-up, the dark green letters blend in with the color of the aloe vera, making it difficult to read. The weight of line that reads "with pure aloe vera" should maybe be a bit bolder, because it's so light that it also becomes more difficult to read when paired with the green background.


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